It has to be possible - Melee Weapons

Do note it is still wip (Work In Progress)
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If only we had damage modifiers or

negative health granters.


If I may ask - what in the geometry dash community is a damage modifier?

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It’s a device that may be added later. It modifiers/adds damage.

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Okay leaf man.


Read the first few posts. Josh (the creator of gimkit) answered what it can do.
The damage mod can multiply damage or detect damage (I think)
Also, because it’s a modifier device, I’m thinking it’ll be brown like the ko manager

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The leaf’s just a random doodle that I’ll have for only a week or so. Then, a new one. Now let’s talk melee weapons.

So far, tag zones with pseudo-health works. Is that all?

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I don’t have time to explain further, but this is possible using a click detector of some sort, (overlay button), a tag zone, and pseudo health.

Tag zone to detect if players are nearby, Pseudo health so that player health can be subtracted, and an overlay button to swing the melee weapon.

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Actually, that doesn’t sound that bad! I might try this!

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The big flaw is having no way to animate the attack.


You could use coordinate systems and text being shown and hidden although it would be very very VERY tedious, but not really impossible.


That’s less important than actually doing the melee attack though.


I mean you could always make a coordinate system with zones, and each zone has a corresponding animated slash in it, and depending on which zone you’re in, that animation plays…
Although I don’t know how to do this


However, visual indicators of attack means that you can add blocking. Another thing, if the goal is to create a melee combat system, is sprinting is probably a good idea.


hello memory limit lol


Just pretend it’s mental damage or something. Lore fixes everything!


Making it not mental damage allows for a much more detailed combat system- things like blocking can be used.

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I wonder if, using the damage modifier that won the vote, you could set the damage to zero on a zapper to make the slash.

Yes I realize it hasn’t been added yet.

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Should this be in Devices now? It seems a lot like a melee brainstorm.

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