Is this an appropriate list of Gimkit Forum eras?

Pre-forum, Reconic, Pre-GimAI, GimAI, Clacian, Dark Ages, and the current era: Helpian. I wasn’t here before the late GimAI era, so if I missed anything, let me know!


we’re still in the dark ages lol
also what is clacian

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Before everyone left, and after GimAI left, the defining factor of that time period was that I blew up


Pre-gimai is the same as reconic

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and we’re in 2 ages at the same time, which I’ll call the rising ages.
“Regular Ages”
“Helpian Ages”

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What if we wrote a history of the forums?


guys this is nonsense
i don’t deserve an era named after me


@ClicClac lore:

After @ClicClac blew up, they were blasted into another dimension, where they found a strange, green beanie that could talk. @ClicClac wanted to name it “Beanie”, but made a typo and accidentally called it “Beanine”. @ClicClac wandered around the forest, looking for their _____Land guide, but could not find anything. @ClicClac sat under a tree for 7 days and came back to 258 notifications and a laser pointed at their head. It was @Anythinger, who was trying to contact them for days. @Anythinger yelled, “IS @Here_to_help RESIGNED FROM THE GIMAVENGERS!!!” which promptly made a trigger appear in front of @ClicClac, ending the Seasonmaster cycle forever, and therefore @WhoAmI was the last seasonmaster who defeated Summer Lord @MrNobody2. There was no winter master. All was NOT well.


Me waiting for the YouTube video documentary


Sure why not


Blasted? No. BLJed? Yes. 7 PU down and 12 left.

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we should have one that is the old-forum era, before reconic, but after pre-forum

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Once upon a time, there was a bolt of plasma named Navy that was gazing on the world through her domain of clouds. Her eyes came across a land, one she has not seen before. That land was called, the Gimkit Forum.

Intrigued, she took a mortal form to get a closer look. She saw a community of helpers, a great library of Gimkit knowledge! She was amazed by what the mortals have created.

During her stay, she befriended many beings, including a tornado, a dragon, a sentient trophy, and a regular person. The tornado, a very good speaker, made a speech of how we don’t need the title of featured helper.

They touched the hearts of some, and brought tears to many. Those who eagerly took their words became the Unfeatured Helpers. For a while, there was peace in the Gimkit Forum.

However, that peace did not last long. One day, a mysterious traveler came along and did something truly horrific: They. Posted. A. Code. Horrified, the Unfeatured Helpers begged the traveler to stop posting. But by then, it was too late.

The traveler merely laughed at them. If they managed to take down a code, the traveler could just post another one! However, that amusement wasn’t enough for them. Overtime, something built up within the traveler. No one knows what it was, but it was definitely not good, as the traveler went on a great rampage.

They destroyed the whole library, set a fire on the helper plaza! No one could stop them. However, there was still a once of hope. The townsfolk prayed to the gods, and at last, they descended.

They gazed upon their land being torn apart by a great evil! There was only one solution. Destroy the traveler with the land. The traveler was never seen again.

The gods created a new land. One with more security. The townsfolk migrated to that land and the brought the Gimkit Forum back to its former glory. All was well. At least for a while.


Wait, the trophy was @Thats_Gimpossible, but who was the tornado and the dragon and the regular person?

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Cameron, Alan Shen, and Lxmas


This and Kirby lore is the only thing I can go zypheir on lol

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@Cameron_Sharer was a tornado?

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Oh yeah in the old forum @Alan_Shen replied to 3 of my bug posts at once lol.

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Idk what their pfp is now but technically they used to be a Gim. I just put a tornado to simplify things.

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