Is they're anyway you can become invisible?

I’m Making the Spy role and basically, you go invisible and you can hit your opponents for a short period of time.

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No, at the moment this is not possible. Sorry!

You cannot go invisible easily. Would you like me to explain how to do it hardly?


yeah sure, tell me sir

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With ClicClac, there’s always a way!
I would love to hear how, personally! :smile: Go ahead!


I don’t think so, gimkit should add the shards that make you invisible.


Basically, what you need to do is make a coordinate system covering the whole map, preferably every tile. Next, line up a barrier that is above the player and the color of the floor for every single square in the coordinate grid. If you pick the spy role, have their position in the grid continually updated for only them by using CPT. When they knock someone out, activate a trigger that completes the wire input (probably a lifecycle) → checker (Check for spy’s item; if true move on) → triggerloop (This updates the players position, or you could do it with IIMs) → trigger (the one you need to activate) → relay ( all other players) → trigger. This final trigger needs to broadcast on a concatenated channel made from the spy’s coordinates. Each barrier should activate when they receive on the channel for their space, and should deactivate when any space is entered. Finally, the original KO manager that activated that trigger needs to trigger a wire repeater with a delay of 5 seconds. That wire repeater needs to deactivate the trigger. I probably messed up somewhere, but hope this helps!


could you show it in game? look at my bio and you will see what I mean

TLDR: Coord system + KO timer + Barriers that are above the player and floor colored.

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huh? I don’t get it uhm…

maybe check out this guide for more knowledge:

It’s 11 PM in my time zone. I need to go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow?


sure, same in mine, but I’m a night owl so yeah your good gn

This… is complicated, but possible! You need to make barriers that are everywhere on the map you can go invisible and zones that are everywhere and then when overlay pressed → checks zone → zone in activates barrier overhead.
Next you would want a tagging device and when the overlay pressed make it activate but also make a counter reset. (It would be the top amount of the time invisible) then set the target to 0 when 0 reached make it stop the barrier and also stop the tagging device.

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Me, realizing how much effort the first solution is:

It would be a lot easier if you could make areas where the spy could place “smoke screens”. When the spy presses the button (game overlay), the smoke screen (a barrier) pops up for everyone but the spy (relay, all other players). After a 5 second delay, a trigger that was triggered by the game overlay deactivates the barriers.

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Hey i heard that the invisibit is an item…but there is a game device that changes player appearance…legobuilder told me about it a month or two ago…I think he said wolftech told him but don’t quote us it WAS a month or two ago!
(my bad incorrect grammar/wording first time…don’t arrest me grammar police!)


The invisabit IS an item, what it does just uses a dev device that turns the opactiy of the player to 0. I’m assuming the devs did game overlay → repeater → checker (item > 0, if true) → set opactiy to 0, if false set opacity to 1.

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I don’t think that you can set a player opacity to 0 in regular Gimkit creative though… :sob:

Like that one role from perfect heist!

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I do think you could do something with barriers hiding the player, but what if someone is under the barrier with you?