Is they're anyway you can become invisible?

no duhhhhhh

Once you switch to spectator you can’t switch back. If you read the topic you would know that it’s part of the game, not just to turn invisible.


correct, you get a gold star @Coolcaden26


Wow I wish! (It’s not currently added)

You bet!

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This is impossible, which I learned shortly before accidentally necroposting on a year-old topic.

It’s too late… you had your chance!!!
(Just kidding, it’s fine. As long as you don’t call a lectern a podium I don’t care.)


PODIUM > LECTERN, Podium solos

Why won’t invisibits exsist

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it wouldn’t be that hard to code because the no collision option in gkc makes you partly see-through

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But that’s only for the editor. I don’t think you can do that in the actual game.

podium vs lectern

The podium is the thing you stand on. The lectern is the thing you read off of.

I know but I’m saying it wouldn’t be that hard still but I guess they’re is no easy way to do it?

thats what a lectern is?

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there’s new coordinate device so no need for that anymore phew

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Guys why are we talking about the difference between a podium and a lectern? I can’t see any connection to GKC, but… you tell me.


you can try to use infisabits:]

Adding onto @ClicClac original idea, perhaps you could try a kind of pseudo-movement system. Now with the new coordinate system it makes our life much easier. Perhaps you could teleport the spy into a box where they can control something in the actual game. I’m still working on a possible solution but this is kind of the basic idea.

Honestly, it’s weird that invisabits aren’t out in GKC because capture the flag has it and it is one of the first 2D modes.


Sorry, my bad. Someone apologized for a grammar mistake and I said it’s fine as long as they get podiums and lecterns right.

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