Is there a way to make it so you can track where your enemies are (Resolved)

yes man

Ah, the good times when recess was a thing

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you think im a boy cos im ā€˜ā€˜meanā€™ā€™
bye everyone

so legendary

also in case any of u r wondering even if the mods arenā€™t paying attention lately when they finally get back they will and I will be banned

Honestly I didnā€™t enjoy it that much


Honestly the mods have enough evidence to ban all of us so might as well enjoy the time weā€™ve got left

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bye guys

this post never did reach 1000 as intendedā€¦

@anon73616841 i didnā€™t think u were a boy because u were mean, I thought u were a boy because the girls are nice and Iā€™m not saying anything u did was mean Iā€™m just saying I donā€™t think anyone would it nice

really? did u guys have a gaga pit? thats what made recess awesome at our class

change class to school

Gagaball was always the bestā€¦

yeah thank god the middle school doesnā€™t have gaga pit just a half-court basketball court, a soft ball field, and a baseball field(iā€™ve heard rumors 5th grade isnā€™t even aloud on a baseball). Luckily though on like the last week of school a future sixth grader convinced the school to get us one. Yay!

I am really really really good at gaga because Itā€™s basicaly all Iā€™ve been doing for years at recess

Also does anyone want to try and reach 1000 before we(hopefuly I) get banned?

gaga ball was so funā€¦ and i was really good

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