Is there a way to make it so you can track where your enemies are (Resolved)

Yeah… It got bad.

Yeah, I remember that now.

dang that’s insane

Really surprised they didn’t unlist the whole guide after what happened in there.

lbh, this is your post, my flag and your problem. and this topic was so off topic that i would have flagged it anyway #(thats not true but whatever)

That’s cold. I thought you were a beach.


I bet i’m older than u

age doesnt refer to maturity levels
how old are you, four?


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You guys need to stop arguing, or at least argue on the wixsite.

It’s funny how you people are trying to say that the other person is a baby, but you’re both acting like one. This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the forums at this point.

Get a grip.


How to Make a Baby in GKC | Difficulty: :purple_square:


said perfectly, this isn’t a normal off topic chat, this is war between you two

I’m sorry that u were offended that I thought u were a’s just that most boys my age r jerks and hate me but the girls r actually nicer to me. When ever there fighting there small battles at recess I always get throne to the girls side and get rubber balls,tennisballs, and footballs thrown at my face by the boys I “betrayed” (they usually force me to j0in the girls side in basket ball and every little conflict the ever have). That’s why I thought u were a boy. I’m just so used to girls being nice and boys being mean.

By the way @anon73616841 this us still the same person but different account

geo is geoffrey?
its ok that you thought i was a guy but its not ok you think im a baby

Let’s end this here? How about that?

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sorry I grew up with 2 older twin sisters and (two years older) and a younger brother(2 years younger) so i guess you could call me a little…paranoid? that"s the best word I came up with

not answering @Geoffrey.Nafeygmail
yes mysz i am done here

That’s good. Hopefully this is the last reply.

im gonna tell everyone, it was the same with me. was