Is there a way to check if a player is under a certain health amount?

No, hashes.
Hashes are how passwords are safely stored.


I’m confused…


Hashes are bits of code that turn “password” into “ghendnfbrdkbdbnek”. They also will always output the same thing when the same thing is put into the algorithm, so “password” will always be turned into “ghendnfbrdkbdbnek”. Other things will become different things, so “catscatscats” will become “hdbejdnedbebbdk” instead. Hashes are used to safely store passwords, becuase they are designed to be almost impossible to reverse. For example, if you’re a hacker, and you hack into gimkit and look for passwords, all you’ll get is “bfndjdndbndbdbdnndnd”. You can’t really undo that to get the real password, so that person’s password is secure.


Bump because unresolved

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yes we should bump this

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Lxmas stop.

Wait this is here_to_help? idek they were invited by here_to_help

No, we know each other. Not me. I don’t have 2 alts like you.

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Ah ok. My two alts have been inactive as the first one was because I was bored, the second one beacuse Idk

yes I know @Here_to_help, but I am not him! Please understand!

2 Likes and @bug harvested you likes.

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And then I stopped. Also, I know that you two are not alts because you both are typing at the same time.



Yeah. Like @NavyCatZ and @MushyKitty29. They know each other, but are not the same person.

That isn’t me bruh

I know.

plus it takes a long time to confirm my email

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Actually, for #1, you can construct the number in binary.

Still unresvoled so : BUMP…