Is there a way to check if a player is under a certain health amount?

The only detection method for health is by killing the player. So, this would only work in certain zones.


Since laser hitting detection is a thing, you can hit players with invisible lasers and calculate their health or something.


Only problem is you still can’t extract their health.

Finding a player’s health in a zone is gimpossible, but setting with granting 10000000 health and subtracting from there with lasers is definitely possible.

Yeah, I was thinking so.

Wait, that wouldn’t necessarily work. If you mean what I think you do, you are trying to set the health to what you want it to be. But without knowing what it is, you can just add an subract. It would be like trying to set x to n + 1000, with n representing current health and x representing the end health. You want it to be 1000, but you never know how much to add or subtract!

Well, it won’t work if you have endless health. But we know the health limit. We’re using that to get information about the current health and then extracting from there.


Ohh, never thought about that.

uhm we can still see what you said-

Then show us your wisdom.
This is clay-institute, as it is complex and could revolutionize GKC.


You can check if the player is under a health amount, and even know what their health will a, but it involves killing the player.

I understand that it could revolutionize the game but clearly no one knows how to do this. Unlike blackholes bitwise opperations, this can simply be solved with a new device that would reletively easy to make. (i think they also could just update the checker and please dont nolt me its blocked)

theres my

actually, this is clay-institute because we think is no way to solve it within the current bounds of gimkit, and if somehow someone came up with a predominant way to do it, that would break the bounds of gimkit once again and revolutionize it. Also, clearly, no one 100% knows how to make bitwise operations in gimkit.


We do, but it’s too laggy for big numbers.


The point of clay-institute questions are not to be easy. If the answer was obvious, it wouldn’t be clay institute. No one knows how to do it, so that’s why it is. You are missing the point of the tag.


If this allows us to kill the player, then this is definitely possible. However, if this doesn’t, then with the current devices, it is gimpossible.

that’s not quite clay-institute level, but almost imo. It doesn’t exactly revolutionize GKC but it does display what’s possible currently. that’s just my opinion

However, a fast keyboard accessible anywhere might be clay institute.

And one that doesn’t take up a top of memory.

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