Is there a device that grants me a certain amount of HP?

I want to add a device that is like the speed modifier, but instead of speed, with HP.

If you want to grant a player health, use the health granter device!

Health Granter


The health locator is located in devices. It can grant HP, and works the same as speed except with health as you requested. You can use the same triggers as with a speed modifier. (ex: zone and button)

P.S mark as solved plz

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Alright. I know this looks like it’s solved, but don’t ask to mark solutions. It might look like your solution grinding.


Your absolutely right!

mark it as a soultion

bruh what did I just say -_-


ohh shooth my bad i didnt read ur comment

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no when I start in the gimkit, I only have 100 health and 100 shields, I want more. how do I do that

There’s an option in the map settings for max health and shield.

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yep but 60 mins late to discontion

It’s still an answer to their question though.

I know when he’s on he can mark a solution.

welcome too forums btw (a little late actually)

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so I shouldn’t mark a solution?

yes you sould mark a solition.

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