Is international messages / other languages allowed in the forum?

Continuing the discussion from Question I want to ask:

By that I refer to other languages. Made this public so I can get community opinions but also asking @Blackhole927 in general out of curiousity.
I am asking this as I saw new users doing it.

I believe blackhole told Monurek to only speak in one language, as other languages made it hard to moderate, (I believe) so probavly not.

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oop sorry I’ve been speaking polish to someone bc its their native language I was trying to make it easier


to if you speak spanish you have to speak the same language as everyone else?

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I believe so, but what do I know?

I’m just a new-ish user after all

Nope. English only. It states it in the guidelines. Blackhole said no other languages, because it’s too hard for him to moderate.

Users who speak a different language have to translate to English. If monurek can do it, other users can to


The forum is english in general so my belief is that if international chat is disallowed that we only speak in English.


so it is illeagal to be here if you don´t speak english?

not illegal, but looked down upon.

not what he said, they just have to translate into english

I just read both Gimkit Creative Forum Rules and Announcements/Additional Rules and can’t find the rule stating languages.
But it is best if we continue speaking in english as that is the most spoken language in the forum. I will await the response of @Blackhole927 I suppose.

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ok sorry

technically all of this is off topic…

Its not racism, if you have a problem with it take it up with @Blackhole927

Well seeing as how BH has already been pinged twice, I would stop posting and causing a farther flame war here if I were everyone…


@blackhole927 has been offline since 5 hrs ago

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what do yall not understand about NO MORE REPLIES?

Please stop pinging bh, he has been pinged 5 times in this topic.

As for all the other stuff, if you see something bad, flag it. Don’t respond to it please.

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yeah sorry abt that

sorry about another post but how do I flag something?