Question I want to ask

Don’t argue over this please. Move on.


I was just talking to him and he is super sad


Tell him, I said i’m sorry for him


I suggest we stop replying (at least as quickly) for two reasons:

  1. We don’t want Gimkitsuggestor to come back to 20 notifications[1]
  2. There’s no way to know if they have enough or what else they want, so we should wait for more info.

  1. I am aware that they might be grouped into one notification, but I think if they get a different notification the next reply will be grouped in a different one. ↩︎


I think we just bump it every once In a while so it isn’t forgotten

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Can i add one? Plz?


Please stop posting here.
Also you are still off topic posting, despite the language barrier

for our polish friend:

Hej. Pamiętaj, aby publikować posty związane z GKC. Prosimy również o skorzystanie z tłumacza, aby ułatwić nam i BH

Also @jax1 stop speaking to him in polish. It’s hard for moderating, and Alissa can translate what we say themselves

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@SirWyWy alright sorry

why are you guys/girls chatting about bringing him back (at least that’s what I think you guys are talking about, I gave up on my translator)

Sorry for reviving this topic but…

Why does this have over 300+ replies in one day(give or take a little more or a little less)? I feel like this is absolutely unnecessary. Gimkit suggestor, maybe mark a solution? Cause you got over 20+ request I feel by now, or somewhere near that number. The number of paintings in doors is more then 20, but memory will cap it since you have sentries. So we really don’t need more of this.

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They got suspended for email sharing a few hours ago.
@Blackhole927 could close it maybe?

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He is currently banned till december 1st

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Oh my bad…

didn’t know sorry


BH can’t close topics without the author’s rights, the author is banned, and we also don’t know if the topic needs to be closed, since gimkitsuggestor may not have fully decided yet

@gimkitsuggestor will make a new topic if this one will be closet (i guess)

Ill be in
Skin: builder gim (the one you get from gimkit creative)

I’m sorry, but gimkitsuggestor got banned.

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What why (character limit)

Email sharing.

@LMTS32 do dis

What’s that thing at the end