Information On Building

oh, sry lol i get distracted

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No, it has its own category: usable item(I think medkits and shield cans are in the same group but I’m not sure.

oh, ok.
(that makes sense)
now, i think the asnwer to Wolftech’s question is no

Yes but you need to code it so not easy I wouldn’

No I mean irl

@Blackhole927 do you know a way to functionally make this work?

What do you mean by this? I don’t undestand.

say a prop gets destroyed you can have it transmit a signal to a notification device to show a notification. But i can find a way to do that with a block. based off of what i can think of i can use a zone and size if to fit the block then have a gadget be strong enough to destroy it in one hit and when it does that gadget fire enters zone triggering the notif. But i haven’t tested it yet.

Off the top of my head, I don’t think there is a built in way to detect this. Perhaps some workaround can be found though.
(I’m gonna go experiment for a minute, brb)

possibly, but idk much of a way. Also i added more for a possible solution? k

I had a thought about trying to use sentries to detect when the block is broken, but that didn’t work, so the best idea I have is using game design.

For example, by asking the player to mine through a wall and get to the other side. Then you can just check when the player gets to the other side with a trigger or zone.

I have no clue if that would work for your situation though.

it might, but its for basic building in pvp, so when it gets broken on a test i want it to do that but the player doesn’t move.

But based off of what i can think of i can use a zone and size if to fit the block then have a gadget be strong enough to destroy it in one hit and when it does that gadget fire enters zone triggering the notif.

But i haven’t tested it yet. and I’m not sure it would be efficient.

You can do a speed boost with a speed manager.

you can place blocks in zones. i know bcaus this was a HUGE bug for me in the game i made.

solution: needed materials:2 item granters, two zones

  1. put up 2 zones: one on the outside of the no-build zone, and one covering it.
  2. wire the zone on the inside to an item granter with -1000 dynamic whatever
  3. wire the outside zone to anitem granter thats something like+ 50 dynamic whatever or + 100 dynamic what ever.

    additional comments:
    you will find that if someone spawns in the no-build zone they will have no building material either.
    you can make it in a zone so you cant fire gadgets, its an option.

It’s not impossible

Never say its Gimpossible because although it truly may it can discourage the person

no, im talking about in DLD. we need it for speed running, so we need to recreate it, or find something simmliar/better

technically your firing up energy. Right?

in reality movement is energy

This HAS to be Gimpossible
A water bottle just disappearing into thin air and then coming back and turning into a friendly, talking black hole it possible?
(Its irl)

dont get off-topic
and what does a water bottle has anything to do with it?
nothing is “impossible” unless u are unrealistic -_-
u jst have to find a diff way to do smth to make it possible
they’re talking abt GKC so…

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Ooooooh. Sorry