Information about copyrighted material on Gimkit Creative

What is happening? I read about a ‘forum riot’ in the dc from BlackHole and now I am hearing about someone grieving wikis?

There’s a lot of people having drama over me for some reason, and they think I have an alt, but that’s my friend. Even the mods can look and see that our data doesnt match

But what about the Forum Riot and Grieving Wikis?

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My wiki got vandalized twice, if you can see the edit history

That’s so wrong, is this really what people get down to when the mods are on break?

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I think so, the mods are gonna have so much work when they get back.

I feel like some long time regulars should be leaders and watch the forums while the mods are gone. Do the mods know about the chaos that has been going on recently?

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I don’t think so, they seem to be on vacation. But it would be nice if higher TLs watched forums.

Are they on the discord? Maybe you can contact them via that?

The moderators?
They have a discord account, but there’s a rule saying you arent supposed to message them.

@jaxthrows ?
Their first discord account got compromised, but i reminded them of what happened. You can also call them opal.
They are also creating a new account in this forum I think because they lost their password.

The Moderators, yes

Last thing to say, but Jax / opal couldnt make an account.
Ill edit the message in when they send it.

Here’s what they said:

Why are you guys pressing him for 1 LIKE. And why would he break the rules all of a sudden after being a regular for a long time? Personally, I think you guys are overreacting, and should stop.


And I thought this was about copyright… :joy:

Don’t you understand?

He looks like he’s clearly here to badge grind. He was close to 50 likes that he even told his friend to like his guide so he could get the badge.

Can people not talk about this stuff on the forum
It seems as though everyone is trying to talk about stuff that does not fit here on this forum

nah i’d totally do that lol like just bc i want a silly badge doesnt mean i go here to badge grind.

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This is getting off topic, either return to the original discussion, or leave.

Thank you.

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I remember seeing people discuss if 64 blocks in a stack would be copyrighted by minecraft :skull: which is literally so wrong in so many ways.


…sometimes…I wonder…how people…are able …to discuss stuff like this…

But if it’s on topic, no arguments from me.