In-game chat system

I want to do a chat system where the player can type ANYTHING they want to say. Is there a way to do it or no?

You need a keyboard, lots of blocks, and yeah.

Did you read this?

I said I want to do where the player can type ANYTHING, I don’t mean pre-made messages!


Okay, that is fair. I will be honest.

no, sorry. not possible until josh makes an in-game chat system (please?)

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No I wasn’t replying to you. Your question definitely has an answer. Here’s a keyboard guide:

Stop saying that everything is impossible.


Im petty sure the only way to do that would mean you would have o code every letter, exclamation, number, and all other symblos that exist in the alphabet that you are going to use, which would take up probably all the memory.

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Not what I was looking for. I meant in-game chat system where chat system is like this forum.

the irony is idk most things on gimkit creative, i only have one solution. plz dont judge me

That takes about half your memory, but you can condense the code to maybe 50% memory. Combined with the admin options guide, you can send it to anyone you want.

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either that or you would have to ode every word in that language’s dictionary…

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I marked a solution. Please stop replying.

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you don’t solve posts for solutions, you do it to help people.


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