Ignore this topic for now

Like I said before, I’ve been ont he forums observing for a while. I saw blue boat and thought that it would be funny to do the exact opposite bio.

okay on topic they shouldn’t do that its also your personal life that you have, your 13 you should have more freedom, its rediculos that schools are this contorulling … do you have some sort of email like a gmail, mail the essay to yourself if you can

Bro, just chill. Just drop it, you say in so many topics to get back on-topic, so follow your own advice.

heres another idea which i doubt you probaly have if you have a drive that you can put data on (like the one you plug into your comp to either download or upload to) create pdf text doc or words document to do it, and leave it on the drive or don’t that and create one of those things and hide it in one of your folders. another idea get the google docs app paste the thing down on your comp into a doc and then cut it on your phone and put in your notes app on the phone then just reveres the proccess when ready

It’s not even the opposite lol, and phoque isn’t even a node python frontend server, whatever the heck that is.

Also blueboat was active for a short period of time, and was pretty irrelevant, except for carrot, so it’s absurdly unlikely you decide to copy blueboat’s description without making an alt reference.


but in other words this just dosen’t feel right about how much they are monitering your computers its way worse than my own house and school, but i have had a personal account since i was like a baby and i have never had accses to it but theres lots of games waiting on there for me as my dad told me… its really hard to work with what you have because i have a lot more open tools that what you have, you can’t open sticky notes, notes app, or put it on a docs. well heres a crazy idea open a new tab and paste the entire thing in the search bar and press enter and then when ever you need it just look through your search history or add it as a bookmark and name it google classroom

My schools go through google docs… now back on topic for me. @FersionSpeedy, make an OUTLINE on google docs or something, preferably one like maybe Kami or Canva as a note taker. Then make a topic with that outline. A decent way for detailed topics. :slight_smile:

Logic time with Cassius:

  1. There’s no way a casual observer would have noticed Blueboat.
  2. As Blackhole points out, Blueboat was an alt reference.
  3. Phoque is therefore not a new user, but an alt.
  4. You are never posting at the same time as Phoque, but always show up afterwards.
  5. On one of the other sites, you said that your alt got NUOTM. You also said that you made an alt to say things that would ruin your reputation if said on your main.
  6. You must be Phoque.
  7. Alts are against the rules.
  8. Consistent rule violations, even from prevalent users, will result in suspension. ,

In conclusion, you should be suspended/banned.

Oh look, a minute after Phoque likes it, you appear. Crazy.

Extra logic: If we’re so wrong about this, why are you still arguing instead of walking away? If you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to fear. Yet, you’re flailing, trying to find a way out.


The first three have nothing to do with me.
The 4th, is just a coincidence. There are over 3000 users, there are multiple other users that aren’t active when they are.
The 5th, I never said that. This is the only site I use to talk to you guys. I left the other one before the end of this month regardless, so does this mean I can just say “Cassius said somewhere he has an alt”? Like, what?

Can you guys stop? Take it somewhere else.

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I can’t. I literally just said

But I have to say:

  1. CD is right, Gimsolver. No one would’ve noticed Blueboat, least of all a new user
  2. Alts ARE against the rules.
    If this is true…

Ah, I get it. You have phoque on your mobile device so you can post at the same time.
You also were on other sites, but you got banned.
It’s also important to note that you and Phoque talk the same way, whereas when I have an alt I change my style so it’s harder to recognize.


Valid Point, but anyone could just make a profile named “phoque” and say that. Even though that does look sus…
Also, why would I rat myself out?

Humans can never live with keeping something secret. They always reveal the secret sooner or later because they want people to think they are smart or clever.


This fight will go on. You’ll have your points, I’ll have mine and it’ll never end. If you truly think I’m phoque, then request my ban. There’s nothing I can do to stop you, so if you really want me banned, file a complaint to the mods. I like my account and I think making an alt would be stupid as I’ve been on these forums for a while and I’d never want to risk my account. If I argue with others on this account, then why would I need another account to make more complaints? Again, I can’t stop you from messaging the mods, but that’s my piece.

Yes you can. You have unlimited reply drafts, so just copy and paste one draft to there. I’ve used this for months and it works great.

yeah phoque seems like gimsolver ngl


as I told ya b4 a lot of peeps suspect ur phoque I warned ya b4 but I already requested an IP check b4 cassius raised the suspicions more just waiting on jeffo to respond which should be any day now (gawds my friggin mousepad keeps getting stuck -_-)


Yea maybe @phoque is @StacheIsTaken but I know why she/he isn’t. @phoque thought saying thank you was spamming.

i do not get why it has to be an arguement if they say there not and as @Blackfox45666 says there ip checking so it dosen’t need to be an argument