Idea's for my survival type game, "lost, and Found?"

Im thinking of doing a survival type game, its gonna be called “Lost, and found?”

ideas already have

Your a plushie that was lost
When day time, make sure you arent noticed
Hunger/energy stats
Multiple lost and found sections (hiding spots)
Big playground in the center

forumer's ideas

Plushies that give quests or tips,
Fun meter & fun meter gained in playground (expandable by others)

Psycotic tolder that destroys toys
When player is eliminated, player spawns in a trash can

metal_sonic-1’s (sent from serial_destination_V)
Small crevesies to hide in

Messy spots that can make you dirty
(Ian addon, being dirty slows the player)

You somehow were saved by a supernatural spirit in the begining

short summary

Your a lost plushie and trying to survive as long as you can from a psycotic tolder, you need to explore during the day or night, getting suplise to survive as long as possible

You can talk to multiball other plushie’s for tips or quests. The playground offers to increase your “fun” meter. I have no idea what the fun meter is for but some other person can expand on it. Here are a few guides I found relating to a hunger bar.




Maybe have that one pyschotic toddler that just rips toys apart for no reason patrol certain areas, and you have to hide from him in lost and founds.


So basically this is Toy Story?

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Im not trying to make toy story

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whats the game about?


Your a lost plushie and trying to survive as long as you can from a psycotic tolder, you need to explore during the day or night, getting suplise to survive as long as possible

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here is metal’s idea: in some parts of the game you have to hide in a small space where todler cant see you until the todler walks away, if you dont you lose

Hiding spots are already an idea
But small spots is a good idea, i will put small hiding spots

alright :+1:


Rain, makes you lose health rapidly.

Hmm, good idea
But one issue
Its inside

Oh sho0t. Uhhh, messes that make you d1rty?

A: don’t bypass.

B: that one ko puddle guide: (lemme find it rq)

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yea thats it thx

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Im not doing a KO puddle
I made a little addon to the Dirty stuff
Its slows now