Ideas for lore?

I am making a map that is an escape the hunter map, where you can teleport between rooms and you are trying to find a way to escape. I already have some ideas for lore… but I would like some more to help me figure it out. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!


What are your current ideas?


Weeell… first of all there’s an evil gim(to be determined) who had captured a random gim(the player who is the hunter) and buffed them up…(extra speed, more health, etc.) and then they set the hunter to track down the other gims who escaped from the evil gims prison and they were to be tested on. Sorry if i rambled on and on…


A vast-consuming evil tempest. Random souls it draws inside are sent to the Aku Realms to j0in the land’s wicked armies.
Escape the hunter or become one.
Good Luck.
Then the gims develop a superweapon to destroy the aku realms and all of it’s dark powers.

If you didn’t know, aku means devil in japanese


Thanks for the idea!


Description/Lore: (Built on Haiasi)
The Kyouki (insanity) draws closer. Will you survive? Madness incarnate, what once was a pure soul, is now twisted beyond recognition. To be captured is a fate worse than death. You have heard the stories. The devouring demon in the night, the servant of the powers of Aku. You do not wish to join them.

Thank you!

uhhhh okaayyyyy…. This is getting …………interesting…………


Go FNAF on that game!




By the way, quick clarification for everyone. Story is the thing that’s currently happening/the thing your game’s events are based off of while lore is more of a backstory. Story is shoved in your face while lore is more hidden and is an option part of the game. It looks like you’re looking for a story, not lore, but I may be wrong.


well i am looking for both, sort of, but more lore bc i need to have it hidden throughout the game and i already have the story figured out, mostly


Long ago, there lived two divine angels called Tennin and Tennyo. Tennyo, Tennin’s lover, was murdered by Gims. Stricken with grief, Tennin became obsessed with getting revenge. After stealing the souls of the murderers, he started to experiment on the souls and was able to control them. At this point he was driven into insanity, going as far as stealing the souls of innocent Gims so he could one day take over the world of Gimkit. The humanity that was once in Tennin’s heart is long gone, and so has the light in his realm, now known as the Aku realm.


Thank you for the ideas!


Make sure to mark a solution when you’re ready!

(wow, you guys are really good at lore)


Yeah i will, I’m just waiting for more ideas :))


gasp a butter sword :slightly_smiling_face:


Do you have a specific subject/character/plot you want in it? It’ll help me make it faster than a clean slate.


Not really…………….


Alright, let me write up some random stuff…


If story:

Long ago, in a land far away, there existed a powerful kingdom ruled by a just and fair lord. The lord had the gift of magic and used it to protect his people and keep them safe from harm. However, his reign was not without challenges. One day, an evil sorcerer entered the kingdom and began to wreak havoc. He cast spells that caused chaos and destruction everywhere he went. The lord knew he had to act fast to stop him, but he couldn’t do it alone. The lord called upon the bravest warriors in the land to join him in the fight against the sorcerer. Together, the lord and his warriors battled the sorcerer. The fight was long and difficult, but eventually, the sorcerer was defeated. However, the victory came at a great cost. The lord had used up all of his magic and was left powerless. The kingdom was in turmoil. The people were afraid and unsure of what would happen next. The lord knew he had to find a way to restore his magic and bring peace back to the land. One night a few days later, the lord had a vision. In the vision, he saw a magical crystal that had the power to restore his magic and bring balance back to the kingdom. He knew he had to find the crystal, but it was said to be hidden deep within the dark forest, guarded by fierce creatures. Undeterred, the lord set out on a perilous journey to find the crystal. He faced many challenges along the way, including treacherous terrain and dangerous creatures. However, he was determined to succeed. After weeks of ravaging the path he took, the lord came upon a deep forest. In its deep reaches, he found a small hut that belonged to a powerful witch. The witch told the lord that the crystal was hidden in a cave deep within the forest. However, to reach the cave, the lord would have to pass three tests. The tests were designed to test his courage, wisdom, and strength.

(you can add some stuff here if you like)

The lord passed the tests with flying colors and reached the cave where the crystal was hidden. He retrieved the crystal and returned to his kingdom. With the help of the crystal, the lord was able to restore his magic and bring peace back to the land. From that day forward, the lord was known as the greatest ruler the kingdom had ever seen. His bravery and determination had saved his people and earned him the respect of all who knew him.

If lore, add:

But then the crystal had been lost for decades, until [insert character’s name] came.

How did I do? I didn’t go much into detail because that would’ve been way too long.