I need to make a storm like in fortnite, but with barriers and laser pls help

Pls help. I need to make the storm in fortnite, but i couldn’t understand any of the guides and they didn’t work for me. pls help i am doing a competiion with my friend and this is due on 2/15/24 so if you can make a guide on this much appreciated.

welcome @TheMantisKing!

thnx i am also a beginner on gimkit this is my first map pls help

do you want them to respawn instantly or gradually

this is what i got so far i just want them to take damage

this is what you have to do for the player to respawn instantly
there are 2 respawners cuz there is a wire limit
its so stupid!

i dont want any zone just barriers cuz i have a big map is that possible

and for it to respawn gradually, just put a repeater and a counter in between

i don’t want them to respawn pls

i dont think so mantis

i just want them to take damage gradually like in fortnite is that possible

wait nvm just make 4 whoops

also is not having any zones possible

Welcome to the forums @TheMantisKing

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I’ll be so popular

When I show the monsters what I just brought in!

you forgot to link the guide lol
How to make a “moving” poison fog [:yellow_square:]

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i know i tried that guide but it did not suit my need about having the storm cuz i can’t have too many barriers i only have 15% left

ik i have not figured it out yet, but use that guide

this help topic also kinda helps idk

alright i will try it