I need ideas for summit-5-like jumps and props

I’m making my own don’t look down and need some ideas for a summit-5-like summit and some jump ideas

Headhitters (?):
Crumbling barriers:
Idk what these are called:

For props try to choose a certain theme in this summit that you haven’t used yet in your map.

@Blink-2008 use this guide

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How would I make crumbling barriers?

When a player enters the zone, a trigger waits for a couple seconds, then the barrier deactivates, then another trigger waits for a couple seconds before activating the barrier

Ok, so I just make a barrier, Make it visible, then wire the barrier to the trigger?

So something like this?

You need another trigger that reactivates the barrier

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So do I wire to both the other trigger and the barrier or just one?

Put a trigger on top of a barrier platform, the platform should be player-scoped
then, place down a Wire Repeater with a delay of 5.0 second

Trigger (trigger) → Barrier (deactivate)
Trigger (trigger) → Wire Repeater
Wire Repeater → Barrier (activate)

The trigger could be replace with zones depends on the size of your platform.

also check out for more Jump Techniques from this guide:

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Would something like this work? @NotYoyo

Looks great to me.

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