I’m Making A Game Called “Slap-shot” That’s essentially a Knock-Back Remake. I would like some Ideas because I’m Pretty bummed out on them, So any Ideas would be greatly Appreciated.
make it in a space theme
Steal ideas from knockback
Add looooooore!
I’m jk but maybe do make it space themed
Yes, stealing *chef kiss
That was the plan, But I want It to be kind of like Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I just need some ideas to help with implementing that.
add gongey kong (donkey kong’s brother lol)
make it like UVS were you can pick your character
I’ll Probably do that. But Any Ideas on some characters/builds??
no, but we’re probably have a guide about it somewere
just scroll down till you see some
i recently made knockout choas i have some charcter builds ideas superfast super weak
and superstrong super slow and oneshot
Make it where you can chose your gadget.
Make It A Platformer With Vending Machines With Shield Cans And Med Packs
Maybe have different themes, like Don’t Look Down
Characters you say? I have a few.
Space cadet Cosmo: Powers: has a 3 speed but has a low damage gadget.
Quasar: Powers: Has a high damage dealing gadget but moves at 1 speed.
Gravastar: Moves at 1.5 speed and carries an average damage dealing gadget.
Make it so they can find every gadget around the map.
Welcome to the forums, @kriz!
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