I Need Ideas for A Knock-Back Remake

I’m Making A Game Called “Slap-shot” That’s essentially a Knock-Back Remake. I would like some Ideas because I’m Pretty bummed out on them, So any Ideas would be greatly Appreciated.

make it in a space theme

Steal ideas from knockback

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Add looooooore!
I’m jk but maybe do make it space themed

Yes, stealing *chef kiss


That was the plan, But I want It to be kind of like Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I just need some ideas to help with implementing that.

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add gongey kong (donkey kong’s brother lol)


make it like UVS were you can pick your character

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I’ll Probably do that. But Any Ideas on some characters/builds??

no, but we’re probably have a guide about it somewere

just scroll down till you see some

i recently made knockout choas i have some charcter builds ideas superfast super weak
and superstrong super slow and oneshot

Make it where you can chose your gadget.

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Make It A Platformer With Vending Machines With Shield Cans And Med Packs

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Maybe have different themes, like Don’t Look Down

Characters you say? I have a few.
Space cadet Cosmo: Powers: has a 3 speed but has a low damage gadget.
Quasar: Powers: Has a high damage dealing gadget but moves at 1 speed.
Gravastar: Moves at 1.5 speed and carries an average damage dealing gadget.

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Make it so they can find every gadget around the map.

Welcome to the forums, @kriz!

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