I need help with creating a save file for my players

Basically if the length is not desired (the if block) then it subtracts the desired length (4) from the actual length. Lets say 2. The result is it is missing 2 zeroes so it gets a substring from the zeroes variable from element 1 to element 2 so “00” next it adds this to the front of the variable.

Yeah, but I’m using @Here_to_help’s code, not yours. Is it aligned with his code? It’s actually a very unique code.

Ik. It should work as it is just adjusting zeroes but i do not know in which code block to put it or where so wait for them to help you with that.

Okay, thanks. I really appreciate your help. I hope I can get this done soon, otherwise, I might have to either cancel the v1.3 update or figure something else out for the v1.3 update. ‘sigh’ whoever said Gimkit is easy, they got another thing coming.

Yeah np. I gtg so good luck.

I need help with this.

Ok.so here is a summary
When you get to a certainnt area, a counter will go up.
Lets pretend in the middle of the game, you stop, and you get the number 6
When you come back you enter 6 into the game. then you have a device to see when you put six inotthe thing, then it will teleport you to your progress.
(this is what i posted on another Save file hlp thing, you won’t beleive how many SAVE FILE HLP help posts have been posted)

Yeah, I know how to make it. Did you read the block code I used above? I used a different one. It works, but not in the way that I want it to. It doesn’t add in the zero’s that the code needs. Read the post above @Epi320 I gtg, but I’ll be back once I get home. If not then, then I’ll be on tomorrow.

Ok, so I read it, and the only idea i came up with is to tell the people to manually put it in, would that work?

Just check the length of the properties, so that it adds zeros before each property for the desired length. If you need me to do the block code, ask.


Please do @Here_to_help.

I’ll get this to you tomorrow. Also, if I don’t respond quickly, I am doing other things, so I am less active here.

Ok. Thanks! Hopefully this will be finally over! At this point, all I’ll feel once I’m done is the relief of it being over.

What do you need help with?
or is it solved already?

understanding how to fully make the save file for his game, its based off of Shdwy’s guide.

Yes, but @Here_to_help’s already working on something for me. I would, but high school’s rough. Not that much time. Also, I understand it already.

Just wanted to let you know that I should be done in 5-10 minutes. I look forward to this being done!

Thank you so much! This might finally be over!

Ok, we need a trigger that runs when the player needs the save code. Make it have this code:

To the right, all of those convert number to text are followed by get property, and then the property the if-block they are in. From the trigger to the notification, have a wire repeater with a slight delay, then make the notification have these blocks:

This should work! Tell me what happens! Also, the savecodeoutput is a new property. It should be a text property.

Replace this with the original system?