I need help please

ok i will try that @mysz

oh so thats not right

How about when a player is knocked out, increment a counter by one (which is also set to a property called “checkpointproperty”)?

Then, when they’re knocked out, trigger a trigger (with delay 0.1).

Block code time!

Broadcast message on channel (create text with) [checkpoint][(get property) [checkpointproperty]
Then teleport players to teleporters using the channels.

im sorry @mysz can you please go explain more about it i’m not the best at the coding

Wow. Great minds think alike! That’s basically what I just said!

What this does is give each spawnpoint a sort of “ID”.

When you die in the first area, your ID gets changed so you spawn in the next, and so on. How do you teleport to your “ID location”? Use channels that are constructed from your “ID”.

can i give you the code and you can help im bad at this. sorry for being such a pain

It may still be risky…

Wait! This is slightly off-topic, but can 2 IIMs change the same property, and can they be activated/deactivated?

Yes, to deactivate an IIM you have to activate another one (which deactivates the one before).

whats a IIM. Is that the id?

No its an Inventory Item Manager. We can use this to break the 128 property limit!!!

theres a prop limit!

No. Property, not prop.

Yes, how did you not know? And yes Property

Well, props are limited to 5000, not 128

and walls are at 2500.

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oh ok 5000 is enough

What do you mean by that?

We can use the player’s inventory items to store properties. Basically, we can use the same property for more than 2 properties!