I need decoration ideas for my doors map

Imagine, in the most casual way, youโ€™re there playing Lonely and suddenly you see :scream: What did you see [nothing except some rooms that go on and on butโ€ฆ without decorations] so what is a map without decorations? (Door-based game)
me and @metal_sonic-1

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please help me

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Be patient, people are not always going to be able to help you instantly.
Plus, the question isnโ€™t even clear.


so to restate the question, you want something that makes the player shocked? or more decorations? or what?

maybe add stone columns? itโ€™s not super clear.

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both friend both based in dooors

There, I made the title more clear

thanks based in doors called lonely

What do you recommend for the seek chase? @SirWyWy

is your map hotel themed like doors or no?


Search ideas for decor in the search bar. =D

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k good to know


  • Add office plants (the props) in it

  • Use oak flooring as the floor

  • try out this guide as something to hide in

How to make a Locker that you can hide in

  • Use barrier lighting effects to make it a bit more eerie

Iโ€™ve never played doors before so I donโ€™t really have much ideas

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I like the locker but for the mines design

Hmm, how about I give you a small list of things you can decorate with!

  • Lots of detailed red carpets! Doors reminds me of red. Or any color, idk.
  • Drawers, obviously! Fill your rooms with drawers, tables, and the occasional bed or closet perhaps.
  • NPCs would add a nice touch! Make sure to add only a few though.
  • This sort of derives from the last point, but a store mid-game would be nice. It also adds some purpose for digging in drawers.
  • PLANTS. I love plants! Maybe you could add a twist to your game with a little overgrown greenery in corners or walls.
  • Thanks to @GimGuy for this one! Perhaps some stone columns would work?

By the way, if youโ€™re willing to read through it, hereโ€™s a tug guide I remembered seeing the other day.

[:scroll:] The Ultimate Guide to Gimkit Doors

I hope this helps! By the way, I understand @SirWyWy made the title easier to understand, but please try to make your posts clearer in the future. Thanks, and of course, youโ€™re welcome! <3