I need a thumbnail for a castle maze escape game

it’s done
Screenshot 2024-05-16 9.45.06 AM

i mean its kinda good its not what i had in mind

I can try to make one but if you want a drawn one uhh I cant help since I’m on a laptop.

do you want like a paper one or something?

that could be good
sry its just if i tried to make one myself it would come out looking wonky

this is how I learned to make them How to make your own thumbnails!

i cant even follow a tutoril to draw somthing without it still looking wonky

past work

thats good :+1: their pretty cool

How is this?

wow i will probably use this i have 2 other people making me one right now i will wait for them to finish and then have a vote in the wix thanks

alright. you’re welcome.

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Can I make one?

btw you can do votes here too if you want- might be easier

Give me details and i will make you one

Woah! That looks awesome, cheese box! I had no idea you did thumbnails.

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but wouldnt that be considered off topic and yes you can make me one

well its a castle maze escape with sentrys in it
edit: is that good
Edit: im gussing that means thats good

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what do you want it to look like

well i want it to have a castle
kinda like a kinkdom
but also its kinda dagerous cause things sho0t at you

I’m currently in highschool and plan on going to college for and getting a career in graphic design, but sometimes I make quick thumbnails like that to help out map makers.

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