I’m making bots in gimkit creative, I need some help

The bot will be able to understand commands and do undercover operations. I know this seems kind of general… but, I would like to hear some ideas.

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for the forums or…?

In game

how would that work? there is no chat feature

Well as far as I know you will need to access the source code to enter the Java script for 1 bot. But you can’t do that so, nope not possible right now.

Oh, uh, maybe using buttons?

I could use GKC block code.

like you press a button in gimkit creative or on a keyboard/application

What’s a keyboard application?

like you press a button on your keyboard or you download something that has buttons on that download

Like you would push a button that would scan for specific player information. Or something like that.

in gimkit creative or on your keyboard/application???

ignore and flag


Yes sir!

What commands and undercover operations? Be more specific.

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It could scan for players with a certain name. Or it could sense when players are using hacks/cheating.

The latter is impossible without your own scripts.

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Anti-cheat is very difficult to create in gimkit, there isn’t a reliable option for most types of games. What type of game is it?

I don’t know yet…

Wait, what did stacheinxs_again say?