How Would I Make the Crumbling Tiles From the Acsent of Mt. Snowy?

So, I was playing “The Ascent of Mt. Snowy” (GREAT game btw, one of my favorite platformers ever) the other day, trying to get some inspiration for ways to improve my parkour map, and one thing stood out for me; the crumbling tiles. They’re tiles that when you land on them, after a few seconds, they disappear. GREAT concept, and I have an idea on how to make them, but it just seems a little memory-consuming. So, what do you guys got?

Zone above platform connected to the platform.

honestly kinda the reverse of the pseudo-jump crystals

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Yeah, that’s what I came up with, but the issue is, the platforms don’t immediately disappear. it takes a few seconds before vanishing. “So,” you say, “just use a trigger connected to the zone!” But that just seems a little too memory-consuming. Is there a way to do this with channels? And not a bajillion triggers and zones?

Make identical (invisible) triggers that cover the platform, that make it disappear, so you have the memory efficient triggers with delays, without a zone.

True…how much memory does a trigger use?

the trigger / zone way is really the only way to do it . . .

You can place down two triggers, one for delaying deactivate and one for re-activating the barrier:

Trigger 1: Transmit on X Channel when triggered, Trigger when received on X Channel, Delay = 1.5 sec
Trigger 2: Transmit on Y Channel when triggered, Trigger when received on Y Channel, Delay = 6.0 sec

Zone (entered zone) → Trigger 1 (trigger)
Zone (entered zone) → Trigger 2 (trigger)
Trigger 1 (trigger) → Barrier (deactivate)
Trigger 2 (trigger) → Barrier (activate)

Also, make the triggers and barriers scope on “Player”

hi fox


not fully updated, but still

Well, dangit! Oh, well…thanks for at least trying! It’s a solution, just not the solution I was hoping for…

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