Our wait is over, the player coordinate device and all its glory have arrived in creative!!!
(me posing with player coordinate device)
today I will teach you how to make the height of the player show up on the leaderboard and the players’ screen in an overlay.
Now I trust that most experienced gimkit players are well aware of how to make this, but I think this would be useful to beginners and users who are confused.
the entire guide...
First, let us get a property, and set it to these settings
Nice guide!
(my fortellling’s were correct: new guides are going to be out within an hour lol)
I’m so glad that instead of a height device they added a player position device instead!
It is important to note that a game without any spawn points always sets the starting position to X:320 & Y:320 or the middle of the map. (adjust accordingly if you want to create a functionally correct display.)
I actually didn’t know that! thank you for the fun fact
I made this guide mainly for platformer heights:
I don’t have Platformer yet, but I am guessing in Platformer the height starts at 0