How to put a waypoint on every player in the game!

It’s not that, its the fact that only one entity can have a waypoint at a time.

When you try to do trigger → relay (all) → waypoint, you are saying put that one waypoint on every person. Since the rule is one entity per waypoint, the game (or if you’re cheeky, the waypoint), puts the arrow on the last player to join the game, or at least that’s what my tests showed. It’s a small thing, but still a thing.


doesn’t it suck when you bump your knee on the concrete?

No, I think the color spices it up a lot.

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what do you mean when you say ''link the propriety and counter together"


thanks, but increment, decrement or reset?

i haven’t actually read the guide :skull:

What do you guys mean when you say " Bump " ?

it bumps it to the top of the thing so people can see it. just wait ~5 days and you can bump

hey it’s not working for me

Ok then, what seems to be the problem?

abt that i dont know all i know is it isn’t showing the waypoints lol

You have everything, right?

Go into the “Property” tab in the Counter’s settings.

ok im there whats next

Link the property that needs to be linked to the counter to the counter.

isn’t the property just RecuseNumber? (this is my first time using properties)

Yeah, I’m pretty sure it is just RecurseNumber.

yeah i dont know what wrong with it

Can I see your settings and your build at the moment?