How to program a bedwars game?

Im trying to make a bedwars game but I don’t know how to do it.

Use this.

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I’d rather recommend this resources post.

While the images may not be there due to the recent image purge, it’s more complete compared to the other guide.


If you look this up, you will get a bunch of good guides.

Ultimate guide to bedwars <------ Look this up on the forums

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It’s now completed tho

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wdym by that?

I don’t mean to self-advertise, (I totally do) but there’s this guide I made 2 years ago…


Ok thanks I’ll se if it works!

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It’s a WIP wich means he’s still working on it.

The pictures don’t work :stuck_out_tongue:

gosh darn that picture deletion, give it awhile and creator should probably fix it

Ok yea that thing is annoying.

I can’t. It’s been two years and I’m not tr4. Sorry, guys…

It’s ok I’ll try to understand it with the guide

I THINK it’s pretty well written, but idk. Good luck, Eminem! :grin:

well in a basic way its just triggers or whatever triggering each other in a timed order

Thanks and it’s kind of hard for me because I’m mobile.


Oh…:flushed: I am SO SORRY. I know how it feels being on mobile, and it is NOT great.

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Yea fr every time I’m making lasers I have to keep on doing it over and over again :frowning: