How to Make Vitality in Gimkit (🟧)

So. Vitality is kind of like an extension of Lifesteal, see here:How to Make Lifesteal in Gimkit [🟩]. Vitality is where the less lives you have, the more health you have. For example, if you have 10 lives left, you can be knocked out in a single hit. If you have 1 life left, you may have full health. So this is how you can do it in Gimkit…

List of Materials
Lifecycle x1
Checker x1
Team Switcher x1
Item Granter x1
Health Granter x1
Inventory Item Manager x1
Starting Inventory x1
Property x1
Wire Repeater x1
Trigger x1
Block Code x70 (if someone can concantate this, that would be nice. I’ve never read much into concantation.)
Computer x 1
Person x 1
Testing Only: Laser x1, Text x1
Laser is to knockout player, text is a debug screen.

List of Steps:

  1. Go into game settings, and configure your options of health like so. You can configure your settings later on, but you may have to change the rest of the things in the guide to comform with your custom settings.
  2. Place down a starting inventory. For this guide, golden seeds will be the amount of lives left. Set the amount of golden seeds to 10.
  3. Set down a lifecycle and a checker. Set the lifecycle to track players being knocked out, and set the checker to check if the amount of seeds =0. Wire the lifecycle to the chekcer:
    On Player Knocked out---------Run Check.
  4. Place down a team switcher and an item granter. Set the item granter to grant -1 golden seeds. Make the team switcher switch the player to spectator.
    Wire the Checker to the Team Switcher: On Check Pass----------Switch Player
    Wire the Checker to the item granter: On Check Failed-----------Grant Item.
    Your device should now look like this:
  5. Next, place down an inventory item manager and a property. Set the property scope to player, and name it something (named mine goldenseed) After, set your inventory item manager to track golden seeds and have it update the property goldenseed.
  6. Place down a wire repeater and a trigger. Set your wire repeater to a delay of 0.5, and configure your trigger (player collision off, scope to player, not visible in game, all that stuff)
  7. Go into your trigger and copy this code

  8. Connect the lifecycle to the wire repeater, and the wire repeater to the trigger.
  9. The Last Step: Place down a health granter, set it to grant health when receiving on lifeleft, set it to grant health and shield, and set the amount of health it grants to the amount of maximum health in game divided by the amount of lives you are giving the player.
    You should be done. Test it out!
    Your entire device should look like this!

    Thank you for reading through all of this, and have a nice day!
    Please give me any feedback you have, thank you!

Which difficulty should this be?

  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Purple

0 voters

Link to Lifesteal: How to Make Lifesteal in Gimkit [🟩]


Ever since the lifesteal guide came out, I’ve been wondering about this, but didn’t feel like making it. Great guide!

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Short, but fairly complex, probably :orange_square: or :red_square:


You could also reverse it and make more lives = more health.

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@WhoAmI, how does the “update a property” work? I’ve seen it on a counter, but I been too afraid to use it.


Essentially, it ties a property to a counter. So if the counter value is 10, the property value is 10. For item managers, if the amount of seeds is 20, then the property value will be 20.


You just changed my life. Thank you.

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Wow, I thought you knew that lol.

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Everyone has a weak spot, even the gods of gimkit creative.


I prefer to say “Even penguins have blind spots.”


my weak spot is creativity?

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Yeah. To this day I still don’t know how to efficiently compare more than two properties (offline)

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Lol I definitely lack in that department (offline)

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Wow, great guide!

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@WhoAmI Why are the blocks repeated so many times? Isn’t x < 1 included in x < 2…until x < 10? Why are there so many? Couldn’t you just keep the 10 lives block and delete the rest?


Yes, but if I kept the first one and deleted the rest, the granter would only grant 20 health. The amount of health you have is dependent on amount of lives, so it checks them in order, and keeps the previous ones, because the previous ones would grant health as well for vitality.


Oh, that makes much more sense! Great guide!


great guide! bump!

@WhoAmI is the second parenthesis supposed to have a space after it?