How to make Venting like Among Us. Difficulty: đźź©

Level: :green_square:
Required Items:
2 zones
2 teleporters
Laser beam

First put a teleporter down in your room (medbay, admin, etc). Set the teleporter up like this :arrow_down:

Now make a room outside of your spaceship or place. Make it big enough to hold as many vents as you need. Now place a teleporter in this vent room. Set it up like this :arrow_down:

Now so if the imposter goes into the vent/teleporter he/she should end up in the vent room.

Now place down a zone in your room (not vent room) and adjust it to fill the whole room. Wire it to a laser beam. Have it as: Player enters zone → activate laser. Now place down a second zone and wire it to the same laser beam except have the wiring like this: Player leaves zone → Deactivate laser. Make sure the laser is off on game start. Now if the laser is on there is a player in the room but if it is off it means there is no one there and the coast is clear for the imposter

Now adjust the zones to fit your room (not vent room)

Now put the laser next to the teleporter in the vent room. Like this⬇️

Now add a starting inventory. Add 1 blueberry or a item that is used nowhere else in the game. (No weapons). Now wire a lifecycle to a relay (set to imposter team) and wire that to an item granter. Have it as -1 blueberry or what ever item you used.

Now go back to your vent room. Wire all your teleporters to a checker: player teleported here → run check. Have the checker run infintitly and have the check as blueberry = 1. Now wire the checker to respawn as check passes → respawn player!

Now repeat this tutorial for as many vents as you need.

Optional: Add a upside down metal briefcase on top of the teleporter in the room to make it look like a vent.

And that’s it! If you enjoyed this tutorial please give a like! If you have any questions comment it! I will help you! Also I must credit @Im_Pretty_Cool for a bit of inspiration but I did come up with it mostly by myself.[quote=“Magenta_Dragon, post:1, topic:9748, full:true”]
Level: :green_square:
Required Items:
2 zones
2 teleporters
Laser beam

First put a teleporter down in your room (medbay, admin, etc). Set the teleporter up like this :arrow_down:

Now make a room outside of your spaceship or place. Make it big enough to hold as many vents as you need. Now place a teleporter in this vent room. Set it up like this :arrow_down:

Now so if the imposter goes into the vent/teleporter he/she should end up in the vent room.

Now place down a zone in your room (not vent room) and adjust it to fill the whole room. Wire it to a laser beam. Have it as: Player enters zone → activate laser. Now place down a second zone and wire it to the same laser beam except have the wiring like this: Player leaves zone → Deactivate laser. Make sure the laser is off on game start. Now if the laser is on there is a player in the room but if it is off it means there is no one there and the coast is clear for the imposter

Now adjust the zones to fit your room (not vent room)

Now put the laser next to the teleporter in the vent room. Like this⬇️

Now add a starting inventory. Add 1 blueberry or a item that is used nowhere else in the game. (No weapons). Now wire a lifecycle to a relay (set to imposter team) and wire that to an item granter. Have it as -1 blueberry or what ever item you used.

Now go back to your vent room. Wire all your teleporters to a checker: player teleported here → run check. Have the checker run infintitly and have the check as blueberry = 1. Now wire the checker to respawn as check passes → respawn player!

Now repeat this tutorial for as many vents as you need.

Optional: Add a upside down metal briefcase on top of the teleporter in the room to make it look like a vent.

And that’s it! If you enjoyed this tutorial please give a like! If you have any questions comment it! I will help you! Also I must credit @Im_Pretty_Cool for a bit of inspiration but I did come up with it mostly by myself.

[quote=“Magenta_Dragon, post:1, topic:9748, full:true”]
Level: :green_square:
Required Items:
2 zones
2 teleporters
Laser beam

First put a teleporter down in your room (medbay, admin, etc). Set the teleporter up like this :arrow_down:

Now make a room outside of your spaceship or place. Make it big enough to hold as many vents as you need. Now place a teleporter in this vent room. Set it up like this :arrow_down:

Now so if the imposter goes into the vent/teleporter he/she should end up in the vent room.

Now place down a zone in your room (not vent room) and adjust it to fill the whole room. Wire it to a laser beam. Have it as: Player enters zone → activate laser. Now place down a second zone and wire it to the same laser beam except have the wiring like this: Player leaves zone → Deactivate laser. Make sure the laser is off on game start. Now if the laser is on there is a player in the room but if it is off it means there is no one there and the coast is clear for the imposter

Now adjust the zones to fit your room (not vent room)

Now put the laser next to the teleporter in the vent room. Like this⬇️

Now add a starting inventory. Add 1 blueberry or a item that is used nowhere else in the game. (No weapons). Now wire a lifecycle to a relay (set to imposter team) and wire that to an item granter. Have it as -1 blueberry or what ever item you used.

Now go back to your vent room. Wire all your teleporters to a checker: player teleported here → run check. Have the checker run infintitly and have the check as blueberry = 1. Now wire the checker to respawn as check passes → respawn player!

Now repeat this tutorial for as many vents as you need.

Optional: Add a upside down metal briefcase on top of the teleporter in the room to make it look like a vent.

And that’s it! If you enjoyed this tutorial please give a like! If you have any questions comment it! I will help you! Also I must credit @Im_Pretty_Cool for a bit of inspiration but I did come up with it mostly by myself.

[quote=“Magenta_Dragon, post:1, topic:9748, full:true”]
Level: :green_square:
Required Items:
2 zones
2 teleporters
Laser beam

First put a teleporter down in your room (medbay, admin, etc). Set the teleporter up like this :arrow_down:

Now make a room outside of your spaceship or place. Make it big enough to hold as many vents as you need. Now place a teleporter in this vent room. Set it up like this :arrow_down:

Now so if the imposter goes into the vent/teleporter he/she should end up in the vent room.

Now place down a zone in your room (not vent room) and adjust it to fill the whole room. Wire it to a laser beam. Have it as: Player enters zone → activate laser. Now place down a second zone and wire it to the same laser beam except have the wiring like this: Player leaves zone → Deactivate laser. Make sure the laser is off on game start. Now if the laser is on there is a player in the room but if it is off it means there is no one there and the coast is clear for the imposter

Now adjust the zones to fit your room (not vent room)

Now put the laser next to the teleporter in the vent room. Like this⬇️

Now add a starting inventory. Add 1 blueberry or a item that is used nowhere else in the game. (No weapons). Now wire a lifecycle to a relay (set to imposter team) and wire that to an item granter. Have it as -1 blueberry or what ever item you used.

Now go back to your vent room. Wire all your teleporters to a checker: player teleported here → run check. Have the checker run infintitly and have the check as blueberry = 1. Now wire the checker to respawn as check passes → respawn player!

Now repeat this tutorial for as many vents as you need.

Optional: Add a upside down metal briefcase on top of the teleporter in the room to make it look like a vent.

And that’s it! If you enjoyed this tutorial please give a like! If you have any questions comment it! I will help you! Also I must credit @Im_Pretty_Cool for a bit of inspiration but I did come up with it mostly by myself.

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Nice guide @Magenta_Dragon!
Just a suggestion, you could instead Connect a Lifecycle (Game Start) to a Relay (Team 1)
and a Relay to deactivate a barrier covering the vent. This way, the crewmates cannot go inside of the vents.
You may also want to credit @ Im_Pretty_Cool.


That’s why I added the sentries in the vent room so if a crewmate does go into the vent they just get respawned. But your way does sound a lot better tho.

Yeah, I know but then before the crewmate dies, they could have a quick peek into the room and see if there is an impostor in it.

Thats very true. You have a good point.

Also when I tried to implement your idea it didn’t work. But for some reason my relays never work.

Maybe check what you’re setting the relay to. It may still be on all players.

Instead of using a sentry, you could use a respawn! It kills the player, but doesn’t have to fire!

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for my vents i had them go strait to another vent

I like the vent room idea, it’s could also be a nice way for the imposter just to chill.

Same, that’s what I did for my Among Us map.

the best i could was make the escape hatchs bigger

or at least big enugh for the innacents to not be able to see usernames

ive been tring to make it so u cant see any ones usernames but nothings worked

I just connected the vent button to a room that’s farther away, and put the camera view device in the rooms with the vent so cremates can’t see the imposter.


Yeah but the imposter won’t know if a crewmate is there or not. With this it teleports the imposter to a vent room and the vents have lases next to them and if it is on the is someone there and if it is off there is no one there.

actually all u have to do is make the vents bigger and no one will be able to see any part of them


Welcome to the community @Gimkitisfun. I’m sorry but it is against forum rules to send codes on the forum, however, you can on the wixsight and Discord.

You can test my maps and others on wix only. Sorry but game codes on the forum are not allowed. Also please speak nicer to people on the forum. Also weldome to forums! Thanks.


Welcome to the forum, @Gimkitisfun ! Most people try not to share their personal info, because after all, this is the internet!