How to make specific player drop item (again)

You need to code it in

I’m not sure what you mean by

detects both being killed and killed since they both apply to player.

but how would I grant the player the object because I can get the value of the player and check their medallions but how do I grant the opposite player the medallion?

Basically you have to use some complex relay mechanics or migrate property values from player to global scope and then back.

The easiest way would be to have a property that contains a boolean (true/false) [1] that would be true if the player had the medallion. Make this property player scoped. Now when the player dies (detected by a lifecycle) they would set a global property to their player scoped property. The killer (also detected by a lifecycle with different settings) would then access the global property and determine if they should get a medallion.

On a side note i was brainstorming and i thought of a simpler solution but then realized it would only work for one medallion.

It basically detected if the killer had the medallion and then turned on a zone to respawn everything dropped on the ground (the medallion that wasn’t supposed to exist)

This is kinda useless just thought i’d mention it.

  1. it is easier to use 1/0 in a number property because that reduces memory since only block code can edit or read booleans and counters, checkers, and a few more can edit/read numbers ↩︎

I see the issue though: the player picks up the medallion, meaning value changes and knockout manager is turned on. Then when they kill someone, the value doesn’t change, and It stays on. Maybe lifecycle: when player knocked out, to start system?

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Sure. Try that

This system should work, but it doesn’t. It just never drops no matter who is knocked out.

it is easier to use 1/0 in a number property because that reduces memory since only block code can edit or read booleans and counters, checkers, and a few more can edit/read numbers

You can set a property to bool in the settings. You should also be able to set a property to a player as well, but the only options are number, text, true/false

So essentially a lifecycle: when player knocked out > run check, if true > set bool to true, and then when player knocks out, if true, grant medallion?

Yes. However you once you get that working you might want to implement multiple global properties so that way if players are knocked out in succession or at the same time that it doesn’t bug the system.

This doesn’t seem like it would work. I think when medallion player knocked out, then when somebody knocks out, they will get it whether or not the person who they knocked out was the right one. Maybe I’m just not understanding this system?
What does player vs global scope do for a property?

A lifecycle would be used to trigger a checker that, when ko’d, will check to see if they do actually have a medallion. If so then the property is updated.

Global scope means that the value that the property stores is the same and available to be modified by all players in the game.

A good example of this would be a game clock

Player scope means that the value contained can be different for each player and when modified only applies to the player making those changes

A good example of this would be knockouts.

I cannot find how to edit a bool property. There is no wire or channel options for this.

You have to use block code. Because of this i suggest using a number property that toggles between 0 and 1 to simulate a boolean because you can change number properties with counters

So I may have done this wrong, but it did not work. I have a lifecycle: when player knocked out, run check for bronze seed, if true, set player scoped property to 1. If false, set property to 0. Then when player knocks out, if true, grant bronze seed.
Testing it in game, nothing happens.

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Can i see settings?

Which settings? screenshots of all devices?

To solve your problem, maybe you could register the name of the person with the medallion via a property, then when they deye, you could set the property to the kiIIer, then grant them the item. Also, if you were wondering if gimcraftor was a bot,

What hidden motive :flushed:

I cannot register a specific player through a property, but theoretically I could set a player to a text property, but I don’t think that when using that text property again that it would register as being a specific player.

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here are all the devices and settings:
