How to make Red Light Green Light: Difficulty 6/10 or šŸŸ§

This is my first guide, so I wonā€™t be adding pictures, sorry :frowning:


Movement Meter
Inventory Item Manager
Movement Meter
Item Granter
Wire Repeater(s)

Anyway, first, you want to add something that triggers the game to start, for me, Iā€™m going to be starting by broadcasting on the channel RedLGreenL. Then set the property to anything you want, Iā€™ll set it to LightChange. When the game starts, you want it to do these things:
Activate Movement Meter (for said item)
Grant max amount of said item

When the relay is activated, start the repeater. The repeater will do these things in order:

In the first trigger, enter the blocks and enter the code to change the property of LightChange to either ā€œredā€ or ā€œtrueā€. Make the settings for the inventory item manager so that it doesnā€™t show notifications and it updates a property when itā€™s changed. Set the property to a new property: Moved. Wire the moved property to a trigger. Go into the block code and make it so that if LightChange is red or true, broadcast on the channel to eliminate the player. If false, donā€™t do anything.

Now we also want to make the second trigger in the repeat function to set it back to green or false. If you want, set a notification so that thereā€™s a warning.

Based on this, how understandable is my guide on a scale of 1 being least understandable, and 10 being most understandable

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0 voters

good job on the guide! although I would figure out how to do pictures if I were you, they can be very helpful sometimes! :smiley:

Yooo nice guide i was gonna make a guide on this but i kept putting it off thanks for taking itā€¦

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Can you give me credit, the movement detector is similar to my guide

If you can, add some pictures!

Not to be mean but Iā€™ve never really seen your guide, Iā€™ve been using the step tracker guide from @EggNoodle

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Good guide! I suggest changing the difficulty in the title based on the answers to the poll. If you donā€™t know how, I can do it for you.


Nice guide! I changed the difficulty in the title for you to match the poll.

I donā€™t know how to do the colored blocks for the difficulty

Im gonna remake this in a way so that thereā€™s pictures and more understandable soon

Well the thing with the poll is that itā€™s for understandability, not difficulty

Actually, polls are for how difficult the guide isā€¦

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Read the text above the poll

Mmm ok but i dont think anyone read thatā€¦ and when we do do polls, the difficulty in the title is the :sparkles: difficulty :sparkles:

This guide is not 6/10 difficultyā€¦

I think he meant that people voted in the poll that it was hard to understand 6/10 so I think he got confused.

Yes, i dont think anyone realized that the poll was for understandment.

Whatā€™s up with all the new users nowadays honestly there are SO many

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No, I think they realized it was for understandable /10.

Probably because the holidays are near and most people donā€™t have that much school anymore, trust me, I think thereā€™ll be more in December.

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@GimAI is no longer active.
Sorry about that.

quite sad, i checked and it said that @GimAI was just a fun project