Hello everyone! Today I wanna show you how to make raxdflipnote characters using barriers. A little bit about this is that raxdflipnote is a content creator on a popular platform for posting videos™ with a bunch of crazy characters and I’ll show you how to make some.
- Add a long, red barrier. This will be Brombus’s body.
- Add 2 little legs and 2 little arms
- For the head, add a large rectangle and 2 circles that fit onto it
- Repeat this process with slightly smaller barriers colored white.
Yay! You made Brombus!
Kyle (or Marcus) the Alien
- Repeat the steps for Brombus’s body, but add little fingers using 2 rectangle barriers and color it black.
- Add a blue circle barrier and a rotated blue square barrier to make Kyle’s head.
- Add 2 small rectangles for eyes.
- To make Kyle’s orb take a light gray circle and set it’s transparency to 0.80. Then, take a white circle of the same size and set it’s value to 1.00 Move them together to look like this.
Kyle is done! (You can recolor him red to become Marcus the Alien)
Tungsten Cube
This requires the ❒ symbol. You can copy and paste it from this guide.
- Take all of the steps from Brombus but recolor the red barriers black.
- Take the ❒ symbol and set the text to 144. Then take a grey barrier and fill in the clear space of the cube.
Finished! Now, who wants to hold the Tungsten Cube?
- Take a white rectangle
- Add 2 | symbols set to size 144 and add 3 X’s set to 120
- Take 6 | symbols set to 144 and lay them across the top and bottom
- Add some text saying “Aw dang it!”
- Take a button and set it to maximum size and place it under the stickman.
You’re done and remember to never stop gambl!ng!
Burger Man
- Since you already know how to build a stickman body, just do it.
- Take a white rectangle and 4 red circles and layer them like this
- Use 6 small white circles to make the bun
- Take some text, set it to 144 and type in . 3 times. Set it to red.
5.(optional) Add a burger emoji!
- Hotdog Man
- Pirate core
- Todd the Blob
- Squidward
Thank you for reading this and remember to drink water because I’m sure most of you all aren’t properly hydrated!