How long does editing time last?
It depends on your trust level i think.
I’ll be editing this guide later then
How about you ask a tl4 to make this a wiki?
Uh I am not a tl4 that’s hilarious but yeah I’ll go find slim on another forum or something and bother him about it lol. Here, take a guide about trust levels, that’ll be helpful.
I forgot, lucky you.
Wiki granted.
This guide (uhh, wiki) is pretty good, the one thing i was intreseted in is gamblecore though
(My brain, lets go GAMBLING!!!)
It is brombus time my dudes
Ok so this might be a weird one, but how about we add the amen break bugs? Their VERY minor characters (Appearing in one flipnote) but I still consider them characters.
the OP is a basic user, I think they might be out of edit time
Yeah im out. I made it a wiki so when i can edit wiki’s ill be able to add more art