How to make it so you can eat/drink

Hello, Previously I made a guide for hunger or water bar How to make a hunger/energy/water bar Go check it out before doing this otherwise it’ll be confusing. I hope this helps you. Enjoy!

Devices Needed

You’ll need a trigger, checker, lifecycle if you want it to activate on start, repeater, item granter and a game overlay


Make it so when the player steps on it it doesn’t trigger and also make it hide in game. Next, add a block code and make it like this


Make this activate when the game starts using a lifecycle or you can activate some other time like in the hunger games you wouldn’t want to die in the lobby because of hunger and make it so it task occurs every 0.5 seconds


Make it so it is a item amount and make it so it checks for a specific food or water bottle if your using the hunger bar for water and make it so the check passes if the food/water is above 0


Make it so it is a button type make it so it says eat or drink or whatever.

Item Granter

Set it to minus how much you ever want (if you’re new add a minus)

Did you think we were done? NO WE STILL HAVE CHANNELS


We’re almost done just LOTS OF CHANNELS maybe I think there are lots of channels if you want you can use wires. Alright if you want the hunger bar or water bar to show up once you start the game then use a lifecycle make it so when lifecycle runs begin repeater
Next when the repeater runs trigger checker when the check passes activate overlay if check fails deactivate overlay if overlay clicked trigger trigger and again if overlay clicked take away item

THERE Huff I was typing really fast anyways now you can eat YAY If your hunger bar doesn’t go up that’s because there is a problem I don’t know how to fix It’ll stop the hunger from depleting but it won’t go up I hope this helped you thanks for reading PEACE OUT (A challenge if you can pls try to help me solve why the hunger won’t go up)


Don’t use repeaters!

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If your hunger bar doesn’t go up that’s because there is a problem I don’t know how to fix It’ll stop the hunger from depleting but it won’t go up

I can if I want to use a trigger clock if you want I’m using a REPEATER


It’s not as memory efficient.

So I can use it if I want use a trigger clock if you want


Bumpity Bumpity BUMP

good guide! 10/10


Eating BUMPs r goood yum