Hey! Tutor Illumerix here and I’ll tell you how you can make the game end when the imposter kills everyone (Plus an end game statistic that shows the Deaths!)
You will need:
Knockout Manager x1
End game Device x1
Property Device x1
Like my past guides, we will create a new block in the knockout manager
Our main end game evaluator here will be this block:
The main reason this is difficult is because this requires you to think a little, for each team you will repeat the code
Until it comes to this. Now everytime a player is killed it will add 1 to the kill count.
And our old evaluator will make the game end when the kill amount reaches five. The needed kills should be 1 less than the amount of teams. And here is our FINAL step:
Select your property and configure it to be this
Again, I had my way of doing it and I found it to be much simpler rather than alot of objects I used 3. I do not mean in any way to try and overtake them or whatnot
I think they made that because they ran out of replies.
If it’s still there, please delete it!
You can delete an account if it’s within one week of account creation.
@ModsDelThisAccPlease you can still delete your account, click your profile, go to preferences and click the “ Delete My Account “ button.
(Don’t worry, I didn’t do this on this forum, I did it on the official discourse meta forum and deleted it immediately.)
I just changed it to Ukrainian letters
I changed the English K to the Ukrainian К, they are the same, but in fact everything works, also the lowercase letters k to ukr/eng
k and к (its just how they looks like)
This may sound off-topic, but I’m letting you know just in case no one has questions like “why did I put the word kill in the post and it still works?”