How to Make Blizzian Hide-and-Seek

I don’t believe you but okay

please don’t tell me that this will become another chatting post

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I have a question; What does your map look like?
When I tried a hide and seek, I based it off other Gimkit modes.
(Farmchain, capture the flag, Fishtopia, and Snowbrawl.)

Oh, I was making it just as I was making this guide, but it’s snowy. Yeah, that

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So Snowbrawl


Why? People can just look at who made the guide. Why do you even need to say who made it when people can just check themselves? It makes sense in Monopoly, but for all these other things it’s completely unnecessary.

Just my thought.

I don’t see a problem with it, though.
But anyways, I think I check out for GimAvenger.
Am I right or am I stupid

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Well new gims might be confused and think Tamian is a term for a mechanic.

My view on the naming system is that you should only use it if A. You made a common thing different than someone else, or B. You made something, and realized after publishing that someone else did it first.

Naming this “Blizzian” would be valid as I’m Pretty Cool already made another guide about Hide-and-Seek.

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Oh well. I’ll stop naming things Tamian unless I need to.

Sure why not

tamian gimavenger
  • yessir
  • nah
0 voters

Time to update the picture again! Sorry I have been inactive, I have been picking up hobbies rapidly.

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@Dragontamer The poll gives it’s judgement.

Hey, I will just edit because (if I can) because you forgot to remove the default text in the drop down! On the 1st one

i have no idea what you mean by this: Place a teleporter, with the Group it belongs to as Seeker_Chamber or anything else, and the one that it aims to as Hider_Chamber or anything else. Also, we will make it so that after the time is up, the hiders will be unable to move or hide anywhere else, and the seeker can go to the Hider Chamber(Credit to
). Place a Wire Repeater and set the delay to however many seconds you want the hiders to be able to hide.

Are you confused about the teleporters?

my mistake i read it wrong i thought it said spawner not teleporter

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but i do need some help so could someone j o i n so i can figure this out idk if i did it wrong

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