How to make an M1 Abrams Tank

  1. First place down seven sheilds in a row and then one shield on the top left and right sides of the row. add metal signs in the background. Use the pointed signs for edges and then regular for the base.
  2. Next tint the metal signs a tan color (200, 200, 100)
  3. Add metal signs on top of the wheels to cover them up. (put them on the above layer in the top left corner of your screen)
  4. Next add two pointed metal signs facing outward on top of the tank and one metal sign in the center of them.
  5. make a short metal pole and tint it. Then put it at an angle to represent the cannon. Then put a barrel on the pole and shrink it down to the appropriate size.
  6. Finally, to represent the treads, add metal poles surrounding the wheels and tint them to all black.

    You are now done! if you want you can add stars or flag emojis on the tank.

cool, i like it!!! :smile: :+1:

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What do you mean by that?

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disn’t look like it got repeated

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repeated from what? tell me

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exactly! how does anyone know it got flagged!!

(that’s just dumb)

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wait did someone flag this

What’s why you guys and tanks!
There is already many alternatives, stop trying to make more!
Like what Jeffo said,


Well as long as they dont take @WolfTechnology Sherman I am happy


dude im sorry just please stop hating on my posts

he is not this mean so dont worry he just must be in a bad mood


I’m not, it’s just annoying when someone gets flagged multiple times and keeps trying to make it. We’ve already told you, we already have tank guides. We don’t need more. Jeffo said himself, we need better and more useful posts. This is just another tank. We already have tank guides.


ok im sorry ill do other vehicle tutorials

im sorry and i keep getting flagged because of you so just stop

If you are done why is this a wip?


because it kinda bad

GimSolver, I am pretty sure Jeffo didn’t say this. The post is locked, from my experience he doesn’t use caps or symbols at all, and I know that you can edit post replies to have them say what you want with whoever’s profile. However, feel free to prove me wrong with a screenshot from the original topic!


yeah that does look edited

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No, actually! I can show you a screenshot if you want. It was a PM.

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