If you want to know how to make a place only a certain team can enter, you can follow these steps.
**What You'll Need**
Zone x2
**Step One**
First, make a zone where the team will start. That way when they spawn, they will immediately be in it.
**Step Two**
Next, put the zone that you want only to be able to enter.
Then, put a barrier(s) blocking off all the sides
**Step Three**
Now we connect the wires. You can also use channels.
First, connect a wire from the spawn zone to each of the barriers.
Update each of the barriers’ scope to team.
You should be done! I haven’t tested too much for faults, but it worked when i did it. Using channels is also an option!
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Sorry, but this was already made multiply times. Good effort tho!
This is pretty good in terms of effort, but people have already done this, sorry to burst your bubble
oops dropped this
This is a useful guide!
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