How to make a yearbook that's signable!

I should have done this in like May or June, as that’s when most people have finished school, but like I need to put out a guide to get back into the habit, so here’s how you can make a working yearbook!

What we will be doing is designing the book, and making it so you can sign your name onto it!

We will be using another guide, which is this guide. (Free advertising yay I guess)

This is for the signing process. Don’t worry, I’ll quote it to over here, so you don’t have to go over there! But if you wanna go check it out you can.

First, we won’t be using any codexes. They already have some text in them so it can interrupt what the signing looks like.

First, get the barrier device, and set up 2 yellow barriers (or whatever color you want) and 2 slightly smaller then the colored barrier you want. Make sure the white barriers touch so it looks like the pages are together!

Screenshot 2024-08-08 4.57.56 PM

It should look something like this. (Ignore the text)

After, use this. I quoted it from my other guide. Ignore the scroll though, as you just need the button and piece of text.

If you would like to make it so you have to open the book, here’s how.

Make everything besides the text used in the other guide activate on a channel. Lets say openyearbook

Make everything not showing on game start. Next, add a new button over it that deactivates after it got activated once, like just make it deactive on openyearbook.

We got the basics, Now copy the same color barrier for the outside of the book, and put it over everything on the year book. Make it show on game start and deactive (aka hide) after receiving the channel openyearbook

That should be it to open it! But if you want an extra challenge, I dare you to challenge yourself to make it be able to be closed and opened again!

If you want school yearbook pictures, you could try using emojis for each section.

Anyways, that’s it for this guide! Any questions, comments, (concerns), then feel free to tell me below in the replies! Anyways, have a great rest of your day!


Yo this is epic


lol a guide about signing a yearbook when school is starting lmao. cool guide btw


Nice guide!


Noice! This is a great guide; I wonder how else a yearbook design like this could be customized…?

Nice guide @Txme_Lxss !!!