How To Make a working Security Camera System (with the newly added Camera Point device) [🟨]

For the game overlays, set show on game start to No.
Does the counter update a player scoped & number type property?


(post deleted by author because he didn’t type fast enough)

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yeah I’m pretty sure axo just made the property type text or something lol

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umm can you explain this more I don’t get what it means (first time using counter…)

yes, the count scope is player

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In the counter’s settings there should be a tab (called “Property” (?). That’s where you set up so it updates a property.


oops I didnt comprehend the “and” correctly :melting_face:

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in the property’s settings is the property scope set to player? is the property type, number?

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property to update is cam and update property is yes

sorry, property type? we are talking about the counter yes? I dont see a property type

in the property’s settings not the counter’s

Oh !
yeah I never placed down a property…

i’m not making fun of you jsyk;
that’s the biggest bruh moment i’ve ever experienced in the forums…
you always need to make sure to follow a guide as it says cause 1 detail can cause the whole system to break.

this is the property stuff

Iswear I didn’t see it. and if I did I thought it was talking about the property in the counter, again, never used counter before

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umm its still not working .very possible I’m missing more stuff

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re-read the guide 10 times and make fixes. if it still doesn’t work someone will get back to you tomorrow cuz it’s bed time for me! g’night ~

alr, I’ll remake it and see if it works this time, gn

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I um. did only EXACTLY what the guide said and it worked even worse,.,.,., I can wait until tmr

Nice guide I really liked it! :+1:
(Too bad I don’t use block code :smiling_face_with_tear:)