I wasn’t able to add the code by the deadline, but I have the button mechanic here for those of you who wanted it! Again, thanks to @chrysostom for the idea of an unlocking mechanism!
The code should be out by early next week! (hopefully)
It has been forever since I’ve been on, and since the last time I was on this has only gotten better! I’m very excited for the code to unlock part. I will be looking at this every time I get on! Good job on this art guide.
Thank you! I just added the code, but I feel like I might have forgotten something. It took me a while to type the whole thing lol. If I did miss anything or something doesn’t work, please tell me!
Alright… I believe I have everything done. If you want, I will add a section to where pushing the button unlocks the ability to put in the code which unlocks the code.
- DO IT!!!
- No, you have worked hard enough. This guide has given me enough info on how to make a vault door.
The poll will automatically close on Wednesday, so make your choice fast!
bump. poll closes in two days btw! It may take a while for me to do it since SOMETHING (which shall remain unnamed) is starting back up…
Thank you for the guide!
Hey welcome back @yeehaw! Glad you came here again!
Really quickly I’d suggest you check out some new rules we have since you last were here.
Other than that, I hope you have a wonderful time here, and again thanks for coming back!
Okay, Thank you for letting me know!
Poll results are in! I will add this some time next week. Thank you to those who have helped stayed with this guide from the very start. This wouldn’t be possible without you all!