How to make a Vault Door (ADDED MORE DETAILS!) Difficulty: 0/10

No- the Art tag was made before the creation of the Art category.
Originally, the Art tag was for guides about art in GKC.
Now, with the Art topic, anything related to art goes in there- thumbnails, GKC art, etc.


So no tag anymore?

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Tag is pretty much unused, yeah.

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Why don’t we just delete it then?

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Can’t delete tags, only mods can I think.

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Oh ok! Thanks!

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So, do you want me to tag Pharlain or another mod? Or should i just keep it?

The tag probably won’t be deleted, as ALOT of people for some reason still use it. I dunno though. I don’t think pining a mod would be very helpful either…

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I also have no idea why, but i just can’t edit the post… maybe it is just a mobile thing idk /:

Editing time ran out, probably. If you can’t edit it post the edited version in a comment I guess.

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I was looking at an awesome-looking vault and door (they used the ‘Extra Details’), and Bumped into this guide.

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I am back! Anyways, quick question…
Do you think I should add an opening mechanism? 5-7 “Yes!” votes and I will start on it. (Credits to @chrysostom for the idea!)


Should I add an opening mechanism?
  • Yes!
  • No
  • Maybe…
0 voters

If so, how should it open?

  • Button
  • Keypad (code)
  • Both
  • Other (tell in replies)
0 voters

I will add the opening mechanic sometime next week (hopefully)! While I do that, I will also be checking the poll to see what kind of way you want it to open.


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Cool! I like it (first part was easy but extra was a little confusing :face_with_diagonal_mouth:)

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How do you think I should make it easier?

it’s so many steps that i got a little lost (maybe it was just me not reading it closely. i do that a lot on the forums :sweat_smile:)

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btw if a mod is reading this do you think you could extend my editing time for this guide? Thank you!

Also, I am almost done with the opening. I will do both the code and the button since that is what you all wanted.

@Here_to_help can you make this a wiki? I need some more editing time on this. Thank you!