How to make a Speed Upgrader!

ok so you will need the following items: Vending Machinex1 Speed Modifierx1 Wirex1

Step 1

So place your vending machine and set it to Transmit on Channel

Step 2

Set your item price for me I’m going to do 1 cash

Step 3

Then go to the
Transmit on Channel page of the vending machine and make the item name “Speed Upgrade” or you can do whatever you want :slight_smile:

Step 3.5 (optional)

Go to Item Image and set it to icons/speed

Step 4

Place the speed modifier and type in the number of how much faster you want the player to be when they purchase it I am going to do “2”

Step 5

Add a wire and make it
Item purchasedSet player to configured speed and your done!

Other Tutorials

If this one didn’t help you out or you just want to look at some other ones here are a few great ones How to make a speed upgrade for your game! [Difficulty::green_square:]
Making Multiple Speed Upgrades! | TUTORIAL | Difficulty: 🟩

this is… REALLY… simple…

1 Like

is that a good thing?

I just wanted to give my take

Give Credit Please ._. to



I did these on my own I did not follow these tutorials but Ill link them

I did not say this was a speed multiplier it was a speed modifier

This is a great guide!
still, you should give credit to the ones above, ik its hard to make a guide that you don’t know someone else had already made.