The title says it
I skimmed the guide and I think it automatically drops even if the player didn’t have it I want the entire inventory to drop to the ground
wasn’t there a map option for this? I think…
THat also does that I already checked that guide
Well, you can keep inventory or not but I want the inventory to drop onto the ground
like in Minecraft? practically impossible unless you do that system up there for every item you have planned for in your game
yea I want it like minecraft
In settings there is an 3 options one for consumable drop one for gadget drop and recourse drop make all of them from yes to no then it will work.
nah I tried that it doesn’t work
how are they being knocked out? from a laser, another player, or sentry?
player or sentries
Try this guide
Use this guide
The In the settings there is a gadget respawn behavior under items