How to make a piano in Gimkit creative 1/10

(this is my first guide so tell me if I did anything wrong)
Are you guys ready to make a piano? (yes I’m bad at intro’s)

What you need

24 triggers
1 big black barrior
12 small purple (or any color of your choice) barriors
7 white rectangle barriors
5 black rectangle barrior

Step one

First get your 7 white barriors and place them next to each other, then place them like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.02.04 AM

Step two

Next grab you 5 black rectangle barriors (recommend putting the Alpha at 1 and removing the border) and place them on top of the white barriors like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.05.59 AM

Step three

Get your big black barrior and put it above the piano like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.08.00 AM

Step four

get 12 of you triggers and place them on each piano key (make sure the triggers are not visable in game) like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.12.19 AM

Step five

Get your 12 small (purple or any colored) barrior and place them like this. (they look like one line because they are close together and make sure the barriors are not active in game start)
Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.20.01 AM

Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.16.24 AM

Step six

add 12 other triggers for now. (make sure the triggers have a delay for .5 seconds.):
Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.19.45 AM
Screenshot 2024-12-12 12.27.00 AM

Step seven

wire piano key trigger to first purple barrior and put activate

wire the trigger on the first piano key to the one of the other trigger you placed down then add that wire to the barrior and put when triggered deactivate. then reapete. (this step is probably confuing so TOMMOROW I will edit this, have to sleep)

Final result

  • 1/10
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  • 4/10
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  • 6/10
  • 7/10
  • 8/10
  • 9/10
  • 10/10
0 voters

This is a very cool project because I play piano Perhaps one day Josh will add more sounds that will make it function

out of it all 8/10

(Suggestion: You should have an extra step to create an animation that brings the purple barrier move up)


This is not a very hard guide, so good job! If we one day figure out sound-making, this will be amazing!

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I was thinking of that idea. I’ll try to figure out a way to do that later

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Hi cinnamon roll. Here is some problems:

  1. This should be in art.
  2. Is this really necessary?

When you make a art post, be sure to ask yourself “Will people use this?”
this looks semi useful, so good job!


Nice job. If only we could add music.


I added a function that makes the barriers go up.

Do you like it?

Screen recording 2024-12-12 11.24.17 AM


Play a vending machine sound.


Great guide! I’m just going to make this in a map because it looks really cool!
Edit: I’m going to make a literal whole piano now. This is too cool.

Was this inspired by my help post?




ok fine… yes I did. (I’m also going to update this guide later so it will be easier to understand, especially step seven)


How much memory did this use?


1% was used


How did I not see this guide before, the end result is really cool!
I would recommend adding an explanation to some steps.
and maybe like a big title like


by doing # text above each section, so its easier to read.
@cinnamonroll_cat would you mind if I added the technical tag?
a personal rating of how good this guide is from me would be a 7/10
its a good guide, but could use some more humor and organization, and an explanation.

nope! since this has technical aspects, besides the art, it does infact go in the Community Made Guides catagory!


We could also add sounds by using the devices that already can make sounds (like in this topic → Music in GKC, possible? - #6 by Patrixk_134)


Maybe you could add animation of the piano keys being clicked. Anyways nice guide!


Great idea, I’ll update my guide tommorow.

1 Like

BUMPITY BUMP BUMP BUMP GOES THE BUMPLE BEE great guide! ima use this in my mini game map!

Happy Birthday, @The_7th_Dragon!

Maybe animation like this…

This gif is poor quality because I had to optimize it for it to be able to posted in the forums.


I keep saying I’ll update this but I keep forgetting, today I promise to update this. Sorry for the wait, I was busy.