Before we begin, I thank you for taking the time to read my guide. Also, let’s all take a moment in peace to remember all those poor little dinos who have experienced this traumatic event. One of the 5 mass extinctions. Also, please tell me if this is inappropriate for little children.
Ok, now let’s begin today’s guide!
First, the Devices needed:
Name the property Pseudo health, make it numerical, player scoped, and start at however much health you want your person to have. I’m gonna make it 200.
The repeater’s settings should be like this:
Whatever you need to be the shower should be wired to the repeater so when whatever happens (depends on the device you use) → start the repeater
Now take the repeater and wire it to the trigger like this:
Repeater runs task → trigger
Make the trigger’s blocks look like this:
Take the respawn and make it respawn when receiving on channel “dead”
Also, remember, you don’t need to have 200 HP or subtract 10, the numbers can be your choosing.
This could be used for when you enter a zone, the meteor shower begins, or maybe wire it to a counter to make it so every few seconds or so, the meteor begins and you need to find heals to survive.
Other guides to help
Here are other guides you might use. You might use this guide How to make a Day/Night System Revised and Improved
because you could make it red when the Meteor Shower comes alive.