How to make a Meteor Shower [2/10 or 🟩]

It doesn’t. Just the environment (zones) do. You could make the zones lined up with the meteors?

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Cool art! Congrats on TL3 by the way! Now that you have it, I see you becoming as amazing as people like WolfTechnology! I’m just stating my opinion that I think many people can agree with.


Thank you, that means so much coming from you!


Congratulations on getting tl3! Hopefully one day I will get it like you and all those other cool people :slight_smile:

Bump for :shower:

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BUMP! Thanks to @LlamaLady22 for helping!


@StacheIsTaken wanted to say that you can now do this a lot more efficiently using the Damager device, that wasn’t released at the time of this guide

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Don’t bump semi-useful guides.

I’ve never heard that before. Why so?

How often do you think someone needs a meteor shower in Gimkit?
Even if they do, this system is extremely simple and does not need an entire guide for it. In 2023, it might have with the lower level of general GKC knowledge, but now, not really.