How to make a Level/EXP System! (IN GAME ONLY!), and the illusion of getting stronger! 4/10 or 🟨

Thanks for coming back to respond.
Which block do I use, or do I use the same one as the trigger?

It’s not working for me. Did I do something wrong?

In a new one that triggers whenever you need it to check, and did you use the NUMBER block, not text

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Can I use the Level Up! channel for Broadcast Message on Channel :jigsaw: (whatever channel I choose?)

great, this is awesome

that wouldnt be ideal, maybe a channel where it unlocks something. It would make you gain a level if you chose that channel

I have an unlockdoor channel. Can I use that one? (it unlocks a door.)

yeah! That basically says, if the player is level 20 or above (or whatever #) then it will unlock the door!

Alright, thanks! Let’s try this out!

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Can you also link this to an upgrade menu?

@Coral Here’s a guide I made before, you can refer to this! It’s similar to what you said.

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Could you be more specific, like what specifically in the menu?

You have it so that when you level up, it shows an overlay that you could open to use a popup upgrade menu.

Wonderful guide! Helped me out a ton!


Thanks so much! Welcome to the forums, if you have any questions search up a guide, or ask anyone!

This is a cool concept I have to use this some time!! Great Guide :smiley: :+1:

thanks for the comprehensive guide!! it’s kinda like a guide/walkthrough for some of the game modes people make, that’s pretty neat :)) also thanks for sending the step-by-step code too! I’ll be honest, I’m not that good at coding, so that’ll be useful. it’s pretty helpful since a lot of people have been asking how to create leveling systems and leveling modes, so I’ll definitely be recommending this method for sure :slight_smile:

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Uhm, @Coral left……they wont be able to c that post…

Why’d they get flagged??? :skull:

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